Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Drain Cleaning’

Drain Cleaning – Holiday Prep for Guests

Monday, December 11th, 2023

It’s that time of year again–you’re hosting guests, from aunts and uncles to godchildren and everyone in between. The family gets together at your house, but your plumbing system may not be ready for it.

Your drains, in particular, undergo a lot of use during the holiday season. If you haven’t had drain cleaning or maintenance of any kind in recent years, they’re long overdue for a bit of work. Here’s why you’ll want drain cleaning services before those guests come knocking.

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Why Professional Drain Cleaning is Better Than Chemical Cleaners and Uncloggers

Monday, August 14th, 2023

We’ve all seen commercials for drain cleaning chemicals before. They show abhorrent 3D mockups of what they want you to believe goes on in your pipes in an effort to simplify everything about your drains.

Chemicals don’t fix problems; they act as a short-term remedy for the immediate problem (clogs), but fail to provide a viable long-term solution. Most of the time they cause damage to your drains that result in bigger issues down the road. Here’s why these chemicals aren’t a proper replacement for professional drain cleaning services in Bellingham, WA.

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Slow Sink Drain Cleaning Special

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Slow draining sink? Before it causes bigger problems, it’s time to take hold of our current special and deal with that slow draining sink once and for all.

Right now, Barron Plumbing is offering a $100 Slow Sink Drain Cleaning to resolve a sluggish drain before it backs up. With this deal, you don’t just get a drain fixed–you also get a WholeHome™ Plumbing Inspection and Sink Drain and Trap Cleaning included for a limited time.

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How to Prevent Drain and Sewer Line Problems

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

If there is any problem that is pretty common among homeowners, it’s the problem of a clogged or dirty drain. Whether your drains are sluggish, completely backed up, or have a lingering odor to them, it’s not something you can ignore. 

Of course, you might think the answer to addressing these troublesome drains is that bottle of store-bought liquid drain cleaner you keep on hand from the store. Unfortunately, however, this might only exacerbate the problem. Ironic as it is, the materials used in these “drain openers” only dissolve some types of clogs, and can actually create blockages of their own. 

Additionally, the chemicals used in these “solutions” are caustic and can actually start corroding your drain pipes. Lastly, if you have multiple drains clogged, this is actually pointing to a problem much deeper–with your sewer line–and store-bought drain cleaners aren’t going to do much, if anything, for this kind of problem. Read on to learn when you should call on the pros for your drain and sewer issues. 

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How to Prevent Drain Clogs and When to Call Our Team

Monday, January 24th, 2022

It’s our hope that you made it through the holiday season without any huge plumbing mishaps. After all, it’s the most popular time of the year to need a plumber, whether it’s for clogged plumbing in the kitchen or in the bathroom of your home. Water heaters tend to get a lot of wear this time of the year too, as homeowners tend to have more guests using their showers and such. 

Of course, the holiday season isn’t the only time of the year you can have a plumbing problem, particularly a drain clog. In fact, this is one of the most common reasons homeowners call a plumber in our area–and you should call a plumber! 

It’s important that you not rely on store-bought drain cleaning chemicals when experiencing a clog, as these are very caustic and can actually do more harm than good for your plumbing system (more on this below). In the meantime, there are some things you can do to prevent drain clogs from forming, to begin with. If you’re dealing with persistent slow drains, you may benefit from a professional drain cleaning service to restore proper flow and prevent further issues. Read on to learn more. 

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Don’t Let Clogged or Dirty Drains Become Huge Pains!

Monday, October 19th, 2020

There’s one household problem that may seem almost unavoidable for homeowners—clogged or dirty drains. Perhaps you’ve experienced sluggish drains, completely backed up drains, or even mysterious odors coming up from your pipes that you can’t seem to make go away.

Your instinct is probably to reach for that bottle of store-bought drain cleaning solution, but that would be a mistake. These “solutions” are highly caustic and lead to more harm than good for your pipes, which means costly repair needs. The Barron Plumbing team takes a home performance approach—we’ll find the root cause of your plumbing issues and leave your drains clean and unobstructed for good.

Read on to learn about the importance of professional drain cleaning and how we can prevent your drain pain.

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