Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘boiler replacement’

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Boiler

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Boilers are designed to be as reliable as possible. They’re powerful heating systems that are also some of the most long-lasting systems on the market. Seriously, a boiler can last 20+ years of running efficiently without major hiccups, and we see this all the time in homes throughout the area.

However, boilers aren’t designed to last forever and sometimes they’ll give off strange noises, foul odors, and other issues that can be a premonition of a replacement to come.

Your boiler gives off warning signals when it’s nearing the end of its lifecycle, though not all those signals are loud and apparent. Sometimes it’s a subtle difference that you need to pay attention to before you can know for sure. To know if you truly need boiler replacement in Bellingham, WA, consider these signs.

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