Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning service’

Keep Those Ears Peeled: AC Sounds That Signal a Problem

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Human beings have some remarkable ways of detecting when something is wrong. Our noses can smell things that have gone bad, our eyes can make out dangerous animals or weather in the distance, and our ears can pick up even the slightest changes in sound.

If any of our customers are musicians, they’ll agree with just how incredible the human ear can be at picking up tiny details. But while our ears might pay attention to the latest hit single that’s blasting through the car radio, they’re less likely to pick up on problems with the air conditioner.

We’re hoping to change that with this blog. Here is a list of five noises that can come from your cooling system which might signal the need to schedule air conditioning service in Bellingham.

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