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Should I Replace My Furnace?

Has your furnace been keeping up with you this winter? If not, it may be time to think about saying goodbye…or at least time to get in touch with an HVAC expert to assess the situation. You should think about the possibility of replacement, repairs, or tune-ups if:

Your furnace is 15 years or older

Although age may just be a number to some, we generally say a furnace approaching 15 years in age is heading into its golden days in terms of efficiency and safety. While your furnace may last up to 20 (or even 30) years with routine maintenance, it’s generally a sound investment for your wallet and health to think about upgrading around the 15 year mark. If you’re unsure whether it’s the right time, take a look at when to replace your furnace to help make an informed decision.

You have increasing utility bills and frequent repair costs

Your older system will have to work harder to heat your house, meaning more money spent to achieve the same heat levels month after month. And chances are, it will also need costly repairs more frequently as it reaches its retirement age. But at what point is it not worth repairing anymore? If you’re debating repair versus replacement, check out why furnace replacement is a good choice to see how upgrading now could save you money in the long run.

As a general rule for furnaces of any age, if the price of repair is 50% the cost of a new system, it’s time to replace. With an older system (15-20 years), if the cost of repair is under 10% the cost of a new system, you may want to wait on replacing your furnace.

Your furnace is talkative

Is your furnace trying to tell you something? A little noise is normal, but any rattling, humming, screeching, popping or other noises that are interfering with your everyday life may be signs of a sick or dying furnace. If you’re noticing these signs, it might be time to consider how much you could save by upgrading to a newer, more efficient system.

Other signs to keep in mind:

  • You notice excessive dust, dirt, or other air-borne particles in your home
  • You spot rust on your system or on its components
  • Your home has humidity problems

If you think something is off with your furnace, it may be time to get in touch with our team of HVAC experts here at Barron. With our goal of providing our customers with quality and reliable heating repair and maintenance, we’re not comfortable until you are!

Contact Barron today to schedule a service request.

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