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Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing Blog

Furnace Service Check-Up: It’s That Time of Year!

Temperatures are finally cooling down (most days!) and we can focus on enjoying the beginning of fall. Leaves are changing color, sweatshirts are going to be in style, and soon we’ll be decorating our homes with jack-o-lanterns and silly skeletons. But before we reach that point, there’s an important topic we need to cover–the condition of your furnace.

We know you might need a bit of a refresher when asked about your furnace. It’s been a while since it’s been used and likely just gathering dust, but it’s time to clean it off and inspect it. How does it run? Does it have problems you remember from last season?

If so, then you’ll want to read through this blog. We’re going to give our customers a nice refresher on how your furnace should look and function. And if something is wrong, you’ve got plenty of time to get furnace service in Bellingham before things get very chilly.

Clean the System and Prepare It for Fall

First, before you do anything, you’ll want to dust off your furnace and take a look at it. If the filter hasn’t been changed in months (which is entirely possible), then you’ll want to change out that component first. This is something we recommend homeowners do themselves because of how easy it is. But if you still need help, we can do it when you schedule maintenance or service.

Then, make sure you clear off dust or any boxes you’ve kept on or near the furnace. We know that things can get cluttered and you might have been storing some extra gear in your home, and it was the perfect spot during the summer. But now you’ll need to keep space around your furnace and ensure it has room for ventilation.

Once you’ve dusted off the system, cleaned up the space around it, and changed out the air filter, you’re ready to turn it on!

Inspect It for Issues

As the furnace boots up and starts running, make sure you pay close attention to determine if it’s in good shape.

If the system gives off a brief burning smell for the first couple minutes, but you don’t detect any smoke and it’s not too strong, it’s likely just burning dust. This is very common and something that can just happen when the system turns on for the first time of the season.

But any other foul odors, strange noises, and burning smells or smoke will signal the need to schedule repairs ASAP.

Be Picky About Your Furnace’s Condition!

Check the thermostat and see how well your furnace is matching the desired temperature listed there. If it’s struggling to meet the demand or it’s just not running the way you want it to, then call us!

Seriously, you should be picky about your furnace’s health. It’s been out of commission for a while and you might have forgotten about some of the most pressing or obnoxious issues you dealt with last year. By examining the system and calling us when anything seems amiss, you’ll be setting yourself up for success this fall and winter.

Our team of Home Performance Experts has served the I-5 corridor from Blaine to Marysville, Oak Harbor to Concrete, and the San Juan Islands since 1972 with a mission of Improving Lives™. We look forward to serving you too! Contact Barron Heating today for heating service. 

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