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Everything You Need to Know About the PSE Heat Pump Rebate

Rebates, tax credits, legislation… A lot is going on in the world of high-efficiency HVAC systems. Right when the Inflation Reduction Act passed Congress, heat pumps started flying off shelves and providing customers with a new and affordable way to keep their homes warm during the winter or cool during the summer.

But heat pumps in Bellingham can be expensive, and purchasing a whole new HVAC system for your home is never a light investment. So how do you take advantage of the programs available for you to achieve better comfort, efficiency, and savings?

That’s what we’re here to help you with. Utility companies like PSE in our area are starting to offer major heat pump rebates, alongside federal and state tax credits that can net you big rewards for upgrading your HVAC system. Keep reading to learn more.

The PSE Available Heat Pump Rebate

From now until May 15th, PSE is extending a special offer of an additional $500 discount on heat pumps, on top of regular rebates, when you choose Barron for installation. This promotion allows potential savings of up to $2,000, and income-qualified customers may save up to $2,900 through PSE’s Efficiency Boost program. Eligibility for these savings is contingent upon replacing your electric resistance heating system with a qualifying air-source heat pump, whether ducted or ductless.

Stack this discount with other manufacturer rebates, tax credits, and local promotions to get incredible savings.

If you’ve recently gotten a big tax credit due to other energy-efficient home improvements, or lifestyle upgrades like an EV, then you might be able to purchase a new heat pump unit with very little of your own money.

Reasons for Investing in a Heat Pump

A heat pump upgrade can be a massive improvement to your home. They’re perfect heating and cooling systems to use throughout the year, run only on electricity, and have some of the best efficiency ratings when compared to conventional heating equipment. This makes them versatile, powerful, and low-cost from month to month.

Heat pumps also come in ductless form, which can be exceptionally good for unconventionally shaped homes or smaller houses. Ductless systems simply mount on your wall, ceiling, or floor and provide your indoor space with air conditioning or heating at the push of a button. They don’t rely on air ducts at all, which lowers the risk of leaking air from them over time. Achieve stellar efficiency and cozy home comfort all with one system upgrade.

Schedule an appointment with our team to take advantage of this great deal so you can continue to save money while improving your home comfort.

Additional Benefits

Don’t just stop there! Work with our team to locate both state and federal tax credits or manufacturer rebates that you can take advantage of with a new heat pump installation. These tax incentives usually have deadlines, so you’ll want to time this all out accordingly.

Things are always changing when it comes to tax incentives, rebates, and promotions–but we’re always here to help. Our technicians are constantly trained and informed on the newest programs, utility company deals, and other incentives that might help our customers. You can feel comfortable calling us, knowing that we’ll figure out a way to maximize your savings, no matter what system you choose to invest in.

Our team of Home Performance Experts has served the I-5 corridor from Blaine to Marysville, Oak Harbor to Concrete, and the San Juan Islands since 1972 with a mission of Improving Lives™. We look forward to serving you too! Contact Barron Heating & Air Conditioning Services today and schedule an appointment.

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